“Inspiring Youth Through Music”

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Progress4Youth c.i.c

A special welcome from OUR company director!

Hey all,

Progress4Youth c.i.c was set up in March 2023. We ​are a not-for-profit community organization. We ​have a passion to tackle key issues young people ​face when trying to access affordable music tuition.

We aim to collaborate with the local community to ​provide ongoing, exciting music programs.

Together We Can...

“inspire youth through music”

Aasia Skerrett - Company Director

Community Projects

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Good Therapy Testimonials

“ My daughter was able to express herself through creativity and become more confident”


“I made a new freind at Good Therapy”



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Any donation big or small will help towards a young person in needs musical journey...

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to help fund a child’s first piano lesson

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to purchase a child’s first instrument

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to help set up a FREE music project in the community


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& follow us!

Square Instagram Logo
Youtube Official Icon
Phone Call Glyph Icon


Email: Progress4Youthc.i.c@gmail.com